Southwestern Law School Alumnus Goes Big with Bedbugs as Epidemic Soars. Brian Virag found his passion for representing those attacked by these bloodthirsty pests. Featured in an exclusive LA Times interview, Brian Virag goes on to tell the story of his legal career and how he went big with bedbug litigation.
For the first 10 years of his legal career, Virag practiced a wide range of law and was hard-pressed to find clear guidelines when it came to determining the rights of bedbug victims. Through countless hours of independent inquiry and rigorous study, he amassed the knowledge needed to cut through to the core of the matter and ultimately discovered the path to successful litigation in this field.
Over the years, Virag has gone big with his bedbug litigation practice as the demand for this type of representation has swelled dramatically in recent years with the epidemic flooding the United States today.
For more information about My Bed Bug Lawyer, Inc., you can find it HERE.
To read Southwestern’s blog post on Brian Virag in the LA Times, you can find it HERE.